
1:1 work facilitates somatic balancing and release, deep rest, and collaborative insight through intuitive attention with and beyond the body.

Individualized to support each embodied experience, 1:1 work can assist in building pathways for physical, emotional, and mental regulation, establishing trust with the body, implementing a personal somatic/attention practice, strengthening intuitive connection, generating creative work, clarifying vocational direction, supporting life changes, nurturing boundaries and intentionality with others, and engaging with grief and death processes, among other outcomes. 

The format of 1:1s varies in response to each client — we’ll begin by working with a combination of structured breathing, gently guided movement &/or subtle hands-on work, focused attention, and visualization. This somatic work is paired with intuitive reading and collaborative conversation, resulting in individualized tools to take forward and work with beyond our session.

1:1s run approximately 90 minutes; please wear comfortable clothing that allows the body to move and relax. Please follow the links below to schedule a session.

Sliding scale: $90 - $150/session
alternative payment structures available

MAY: Portland
JUNE/JULY: Boise + Wood River Valley